Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Social Enterprise - Get with it already MORON

Wake up you brain dead do nothings. Sitting around crying over the cutbacks isn't going to help. Let me show you the way. Why me? Because I am great and God loves me. He lets me in on a few things that you may need to know about. So if you can tear yourself away from the long story of how busy you are (and your coworkers are sick that story by the way) try reading what I write and find out what it feels like to have true goodness. Also, FREE FREE FREE, I give it away for free. I am going to begin to post all my consulting wisdom for free. That's right. I'm trying to make up for the things I did in Vegas a few months ago. God forgive me.

Fundraising is a great way to get money to help the needs of our community but in times of national disaster you can just say, GOODBYE money it was so nice knowing you; unless you are Habitat for Humanity or Goodwill. Non profits have to get with the program. Anything is possible in social enterprise. Anything that is making money can be made for non profits. Car dealerships, retail, daycare, snowball stand, cutting hair or whatever the heck you can think up. Why depend on others when you should be depending on yourself. Remember the old adage, teach a man to fish...?

What about strategic partnerships? Theres an idea. Find a good business out in your community and partner with them. Let them know how they will benefit by helping you. They don't know what they are missing until you let them know. Don't be scared. It is a win win situation. You will not lose. He's down an out with the times, his ROI is decreasing as we speak, advertising dollars are just not in the budget, and it seems as if all is lost. But NO, wait a minute. Here comes Social Enterpriseman. I'm here to save the day. He needs and he needs you bad.

"But what does our little non profit have to offer?" Offer? Are you serious? I could slap you personally. I see a position elimination around the corner. You have everything to offer. You have soft spots just waiting for your heartfelt story, a database with concerned citizens (soon to be the very target market your new partner needs), a development department that needs something to do, and the list goes on and on. Get him some help, and get at least 10% of the profit. I would shoot for 50% but that would depend on the level of kickass that your rep will have. Don't send Bertha and the hairy mole, get someone with game. The first impression is it or you are Pau Hana (see-YA).

Maybe my non profit needs a consultant to help us? Maybe? And maybe you need to stop being such a dumbass. Get some people with game. Roll up those sleeves and get to gettin'. Start out small and get your development department to do one social enterprise endeavour. Then in time you may want to get your very own Consultants are a WASTE of money. I know. I am one. What you can get from them you can get from the internet. Period. Look around. You will be amazed.

Search Social Enterprise on the internet. The first 10 companies that pop up offering their services GOT GAME people. They are there to tell me how badly I need their services. For a modest fee they will enlighten my world. Ahhhhhhhhhh. I can almost hear the angels singing. Of course we need to learn some new things but be realistic about your investment. It is possible to do it yourself if you start small.

I was researching how to scrap metal so I could start a scrapping program and can collection campaign for a NFP in my community and low and behold...I had a manual on "how to scrap metal". I could convince others they need this knowledge to make more money. Yea, that's it. And being that I am so God-like, I wrote the manual and gave it to the NFP to sell for the whole 100%. I know. They broke the mold. They will be making boat loads of money and I WILL NOT BE BITTER ABOUT THAT... Dammit. I hate that story. Its like someone you know personally winning a lot of money. I hate that. You have just lowered my odds. The mere fact that you won, took odds from me. You bastard. Ok, ok, I'm back. So that scrapping manual was SOCIAL ENTERPRISE.

Next posting here: How to build a database for free; and get free stuff too... Rock on man. Got to have that database people. Future ideas: in kind (free stuff and a % of your funding requirement with a sweet offset from budget spending.) Say that three times while rubbing your belly.

Well, got to run. I know, just when the fun starts. REMEMBER: Social Enterprise is not just for the big fat cats. It's for anyone who can dream. Bye dreamers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know so much of what you are talking about. I hate non profits that can't think out of the box and cry when things don't go their own way. Innovation baby, innovation.....!